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To ensure all pupils:

  •  have a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place
  •  better understand the nature of human relationships
  •  have an understanding of the importance of health and hygiene
  •  develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
  •  experience a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships
  •  have and use the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies 
  •  support the school’s ethos of being part of a nurturing, caring community


  • Through RSE, we provide accurate information and help to develop skills to enable children to understand differences and respect themselves and others. We hope to prevent and remove prejudice. RSE should contribute to promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at school and within society, thus preparing them for the responsibilities and experiences of adult life. We will work towards this aim in partnership with parents and carers. We carry out the main RSE curriculum in PSHE lessons, however we also teach RSE through other subject areas e.g. Science, PE and RE, where we feel that they contribute significantly to a child’s knowledge and understanding of his or her own body, and how it is changing and developing. Linked with RE, children reflect on family relationships, different family groups and friendship. They learn about rituals and traditions associated with birth, marriage and death and talk about the emotions involved. Linked with PE, children learn about healthy lifestyles and the importance of exercise. Since RSE incorporates the development of self-esteem and relationships, pupils’ learning does not just take place through the taught curriculum but through all aspects of school life including the playground. Children throughout school explore sound relationships in an age appropriate way, learning how to get along with each other.