To ensure all pupils:
- write with confidence, developing fluency, stamina and understanding;
- show an interest in words and their meanings in order to develop a rich vocabulary to draw upon when writing;
- spell accurately and confidently to the best of their ability;
- apply phonological knowledge;
- develop their power of imagination;
- use a well-formed, legible and cursive handwriting style.
- Writing is taught through dedicated English lessons, phonics and cross-curricular through various topics. Children learn a write a wide range of genres in which they can apply to their work across the curriculum. Lessons are planned in order to ensure that writing is purposeful, enjoyable and creative. Well sequenced lessons enable our children to develop and improve on their written skills, throughout each year and as they get older, develop a variety of writing styles. Development of vocabulary, grammar and spelling is inherent to this. High quality, varied texts are used as a starting point for teaching and learning sequences, in order to motivate, engage and inspire our children. Phonics is taught daily across school, currently using the ‘Monster Phonics’ validated scheme from reception to year 2, in order to provide children with the essential tools to succeed in reading and, ultimately, writing.